Here are some links links to web sites that similarly examine reality

Checking can be quick and easy, using these resources, plus these sites provide primary source citations which can be checked to verify the information offered--being able to check primary sources is a crucial aspect of fact checking.

Beware so-called fact pages that do NOT provide such information.

Truth or Fiction - This web site examines the truth or falsity of eRumors, viruses, Internet hoaxes...and more.

Snopes - This is one of the primary and oldest Internet reference sources for urban legends, folklore, myths, rumors, and misinformation.

Fact Check - As a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center, this is a  bipartisan web site that looks at the facts presented by politicians and others in the public eye.

Media Matters - This bipartisan web site checks up on the errors in media reporting.  It may find more errors at one end of the political spectrum than the other, but it doesn't hesitate to take on all media across the full range of political orientations.

The Fact Checker - Glen Kessler of the Washington Post examines the facts as they pertain to various statements by politicians from both sides of the aisle. - This is a web site put up by the 2009 Pulitzer Prize winning St. Petersburg Times


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